Hello hello! So on [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/comments/19euylg/army_whats_your_mbti_type_and_whos_your_bias/) (OP u/Actual-Inside39) I had been interested in how MBTI and bias correlated, and early on made a simple spreadsheet chart. A few others were also interested, and it was suggested to wait a little bit and make an updated chart after the post gained more comments. I said I was going to do it this monday, however I got a bit busy with school and didn’t get the chance to sit down and work on it, so I’m doing it now, a little belated, but that’s ok!

I’m going to be making an MBTI x bias chart, an MBTI x bias wrecker chart, and I’m also going to try and make a bias x wrecker chart for funsies. I don’t really work in data/data collecting or anything, I just really enjoy organizing stuff in this way. But I know a lot of you are data geeks, and/or actually know how to work with organizing data (like there are people here with degrees in that I’m sure, I’ve got know certificates, I just like folding random information and coincidences and putting them away in the correct drawer lol), so anyone else here is free to do with these numbers what they will, or to reorganize them into other charts. If anyone knows how to make visual charts or graphs with it then that would be awesome!

People who had said before they were interested in the data: u/Forward-Brilliant-12, u/mrsplaywithsquirrels, u/GX_TyrannosaurusFlex

There are just over 500 comments on the original post, and I really can’t keep track of every persons username in the comments, so some people might get counted twice, if they made their own comment of their mbti and bias, but also replied to others comments with the same info. I know some people will post their mbti and bias as a response to someone else’s comment, but not make their own comment, so I’m going through both the comments, and the replies to those comments. Some people might also have their results put into multiple boxes if they are adamant about that they have more than one mbti equally, or that they have more than one bias. If someone says “I like x member, but sometimes also y member,” then I will count x member as the bias, and y member as the wrecker. Also, not as many people as I thought also listed their bias wrecker, so there aren’t as many in that chart as the bias chart. If the colors I’ve chosen don’t jive with some people’s eyesight, please let me know and suggest any colors or color combos that would work better for you, I’m not that familiar with how things like color blindness work, but I do want to make this accessible to anyone who’s interested in it as much as I can, so do let me know if there are any issues!

I wound up finding myself actually more interested in the negative space more than in the most filled spaces. Most bias votes go to Yoongi, but I think this was already known from the recent sub census, so it’s not a huge surprise. But I think because the majority of people were filling Yoongi slots, many of the others had much lower numbers. Some even had zero, but those were mostly E types, which may just be less common to find in online communities in general.

I’m so tired of looking at words now, Idk how to even interpret these charts or say anything about them lol, but I had fun, and I know some folks are interested, so here you go:

* [MBTI x Bias](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D1mgIsVr_Z3wNQ6OFAiwO2HmXR-oOjLpquhaOrLrT0k/edit?usp=sharing)
* [MBTI x Wrecker](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/119Nw6njtLiZFCLZxHGYmFvNS9zALdBbVDU6xYS_Vceo/edit?usp=sharing)
* [Bias x Wrecker](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YNH9DViifVMV0rCRDX6pIm0pvlTxI5eHWxkhxdv0QxE/edit?usp=sharing)

by Soup_oi