**Participants must be**

* 19+ years old
* active in social medias
* fan for 6 months+
* participates in charity events.


As the title goes, we are studying well-being as a moderator between parasocial interaction and prosocial attitudes of BTS ARMYs. We are 4th-year bachelor of science in psychology students in the Philippines and we are conducting this study for our thesis paper because we believe that ARMY is an interesting group especially when there are several news about the fandom participating in charities especially during BTS Members’ birthdays like today.

We will not be collecting your emails, but if you want to **join the raffle draw** we will be collecting your Gcash number (for Phil. participants) and Paypal (for overseas participants).

As this is a quantitative study, there will be no interviews.

We will be using **google forms** for the survey and so here is the [link](https://forms.gle/zbe56CubukVJzoR57).

For further questions, you may post your comments below.

by rdepressedgirly