[Come be my teacher](https://i.imgur.com/JKzaK3J.gif)…

I was working on a Korean lesson and thinking how much easier it would be if I had a private teacher, which naturally led me to wishing Joon would teach me Korean. Which, also naturally, led me to wondering what I would want the other members to teach me given the chance. Here is what I decided on:

**Joon**: How to speak Korean, as I said. He has such a wonderful grasp of language and words, but he may be too advanced for me.

**Jin**: How to go with the flow and just live to be happy. I would learn by example.

**Yoongi**: How to grill meat. I’m an okay cook, but I cannot properly grill meat to save my life.

**Hobi**: How to balance the Sunshine and the darkness to be the kind of amazing person he is. I would learn by osmosis.

**Jimin**: An obvious one, but how to dance. Even just a little bit. I don’t think the kind of grace he has can be learned but I would try.

**Tae**: The art of duality. How to switch effortlessly from supermodel to adorable winter bear in a heartbeat. And how to do the Tata mic face to get what I want.

**JK**: How to be good at everything. I kid, but I do wonder what it’s like to excel at so many things. The real one would be how to cook with what’s in your pantry. He seems to just throw stuff together and I have no vision in that regard.

Now you. Silly or serious, practical lessons or life lessons. What would you want each member to teach you?

(And if you guessed that this was a way to put off working on my lesson, bonus points to you.)

by lisafancypants