# It’s finally official!

For one day only, this day – no other day – just TODAY – for the next 24 hours this special offer is open for **YOU**!

*Imagination, life is your creation\~\~*

# Using this 👉 [Ken Generator](https://www.barbieselfie.ai/intl/) 👈, choose!

Is your Ken a poster boy? Or more of a corvette guy? Who is he? What color does he like?

Say meow with [Yoongi](https://i.imgur.com/NJ4t7ZD.jpg)


[MEOW! 😻](https://preview.redd.it/eefrbnvallrc1.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=38f514e5aada29b01c04851fc590f3e408502183)

…be good with [Joon](https://i.imgur.com/yxXzOrU.jpg)


[A very good man 😍](https://preview.redd.it/g5rp6l1kllrc1.png?width=458&format=png&auto=webp&s=c275b05ca0ad31040d38a875ed639cc76a90c109)

or join in the fun with any other member! Let’s play: \*This Ken is…?\*

by Kokechii