Hello [bibliophiles](https://i.imgur.com/ZcsJGXE.gif) of r/bangtan!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our March book club discussion of **The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas**. We had a fantastic discussion and you can still [participate](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/comments/1bitwsh/240320_rbangtan_books_with_luv_march_book_club/) if you missed it. Now that Spring has really [sprung](https://i.imgur.com/rCC3K7a.gif)…we’re ready to spring our April poll winner on you!

You voted, and the results are in for the next book to read! And it is… [drumroll please…](https://www.youtube.com/live/9sJ_I1lHpps?si=XKy0fA9UiEWg8-j8&t=376)


# Almond by Sohn Won-Pyung

Yunjae was born with a brain condition called Alexithymia that makes it hard for him to feel emotions like fear or anger. He does not have friends – the two almond-shaped neurons located deep in his brain have seen to that but his devoted mother and grandmother aren’t fazed by his condition. This is a poignant and triumphant story about how love, friendship, and persistence can change a life forever. Multiple members were seen reading Almond during [In the Soop Season 1](https://i.imgur.com/VvhynfB.jpeg).


# Now, just walk lightly, whenever you want (How to get the book)

* Title: “Almond”
* Author: Sohn Won-Pyung
* Publisher: HarperVia
* Publication Date: March 31, 2017
* ISBN-13: 978-0062961372
* Format: It is available either in hardback, paperback, audiobook and ebook
* Please also check with your [local libraries](https://search.worldcat.org/title/1355358439) (where applicable) for loan availability
* [Link to Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Almond-Novel-Won-pyung-Sohn/dp/0062961381) | [Link to Google Books](https://books.google.com/books/about/Almond.html?id=mg6qDwAAQBAJ) | [Link to Barnes & Noble](https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/almond-won-pyung-sohn/1132004513) | [Link to Spotify Premium Audiobook](https://open.spotify.com/show/517CS7Tq7gSYaxuzpedjuJ?si=e1c53f5a57204fd3)


# We ain’t slowing down, down, down (the month’s schedule)

* April 6: Reader’s Choice Book Announcement
* April 19: Books with Luv discussion meeting


# What’s really on your mind

*Below is a discussion guide. We will also be preparing some questions for you!*

* Book specific questions – TBA
* *Fan Chant*: Hype/overall reviews
* *Ments*: favorite quotes
* *ARMY Time*: playlist/recommendations of songs you associate with the book/chapters/characters
* *Do The Wave*: sentiments, feels, realizations based on the book
* *Encore/Post Club-read Depression Prevention*: something the book club can do afterwards (on one’s own leisure time) to help recover from the book hangover.


# I’ll say it again – Roll Call!

Drop a line here, and let us know if you’ll be joining us! If you voted for this book, we’d love to know why. Or if you were hoping for another option, share that too. See you at the discussion meeting.


# [Let’s put the end in friends](https://i.imgur.com/X5TAui5.gif)

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the book or the thread, feel free to tag me or any of the mods or BWL Volunteers.

* u/EveryCliche
* u/munisme
* u/mucho_thankyou5802
* u/Next_Grapefruit_3206

…and the r/bangtan Mod Team

by EveryCliche