/r/Bangtan Subreddit Festa 2024

DAY 13

June 13. OT7 Appreciation Day – BTS’ 11th Anniversary

  • Free-for-all
  • What does BTS mean to you
  • How has BTS impacted or changed your life
  • Fancams
  • Pictures
  • Etc

These are merely suggestions. You may include or remove as you wish.

You can upload a photo as a comment by clicking on “Add an image” on redesign or
you can use Imgur to submit individual pictures or albums and send in your comment. If possible, when sharing fansite pictures, please always link to the fansite's Twitter. Please do not share huge chunks of paid content.

Comments are sorted by NEW. Please remember our subreddit Rules when writing. Learn about subreddit Festa here.

by Kokechii