With all the freaking out over Tae's ongoing shirtlessness, I was thinking back today on all the little moments we enjoyed together and the times we collectively lost our minds. It's such a fun part of the fandom, to share these moments with each other and know that someone was feeling the same things you were feeling in that moment. Especially in our little corner of the internet. Here are just a couple of my faves:

  • Hearing Joon, Yoongi, and Hobi do Cypher Pt 3 and having a whole stadium screaming out "fuck you, I don't care, you can't control my shit" while government officials sat in the stands at YTC. I get shivers just thinking about it. It really was like therapy, I think.

  • JK's Instagram Q&A era. That was so wild and so fun, and I'm sad we won't get more of it, but I have some fantastic sound bites that I use as notifications to remind me of them. Plus, I have a snippet of JK singing Happy Birthday to someone that I send to my bff on her birthday. And we get hours long WeLives now to take it's place. Here are the threads we had in the sub at the time.

We're so lucky that most all of our memorable moments are available to watch again and again, and for new ARMY to get to experience them, too. What are some of your favorite "had to be there" moments that you experienced real time with other ARMY?

(And to our baby baby ARMY, you absolutely will have "had to be there" moments, if you haven't already, trust me. Our boys never disappoint. 😂)

by lisafancypants