I just felt like getting this off my chest a bit… Am I the only one who doesn't understand why the immediate reaction to the "come back to me" music video was "awww namjoon wants a wife and kids!" Or any variation of namjoon wanting to be/already being in a romantic relationship.

Cause the way I interpreted it, I thought it was the total opposite 😭 I'm curious to see what y'all think about the message behind this video was, because I was so surprised to see the common reaction.

The way I understand it was how this tiktok described it – I felt namjoon was expressing fear and frustration with social expectations. Like a man in his thirties is "supposed" to have a wife and kids and a nice house, ect. But the prospect of that is so scary. You could be married and have a terrible relationship with your spouse. You want to grow up, but sometimes your parents will resent you for becoming your own person. All the things your "supposed" to do as you grow up are absolutely not perfect answers and may not be the best option for everyone, but he still feels pressed by society

Idk, what do you guys think? Personally, I'm just a little bit confused on why everyone seems to always be thinking about the members dating lives. I think it just because I'm asexual/aromantic but that was definitely not on my mind lol.

by After_Bumblebee9013