It's our beautiful big-brained buzzcut beefcake's birthday and we're here to party πŸ¨πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰ All hail the king, the forever leader, the man who started this all, Kim Namjoon! Use this thread to wish a happy birthday, share your favorite Namjoon quotes, tell us your favorite RM track with a streaming screenshot,, anything goes to celebrate our big man's big day!

We'll be using this post to add in the smaller birthday celebrations that don't really need their own submissions. As always, members' content get separate posts!

This is now the second Namjoon Day with image comments turned on. The theme is Dimple Daddy Big Buff Birthday. My notifications will be on. Thanks in advance.

Media Posts

BigHit Official Twitter post

In the Seom twitter post

by HiThereImNewHere