* [‘N.O’ Official MV](https://youtu.be/r5GaAEHvHj0?feature=shared)
* [Comeback trailer](https://youtu.be/fglrRHHSO7A?feature=shared)
* [Concept Trailer](https://youtu.be/q87bQS0ITWc?feature=shared)
* [O! RUL8,2? Preview](https://youtu.be/BfVt5jRGWCo?feature=shared)
* [Jacket shooting](https://youtu.be/5HwJPHACpbk?feature=shared)
* [‘N.O’ MV shooting](https://youtu.be/Ku6VsSAMxuU?feature=shared)
by Pinkmmlover
N.O is my favourite of their early title tracks.
the concept trailer is one one of those things I frequently go back and watch because the choreography and their delivery is 👊😎😘👌…I think the practice video for it is even better…fuck, I love this one and the album, as a whole…🖤
This album has banger after banger 😍