Hey all,
Jimin’s opener on Face-off: just a few bars of horns doing carnival-style music. I feel like it’s a standard tune and the name is \*almost\* on the tip of my tongue. Like, we played it on the piano/ keyboard in school, I think.
Do you know what that carnival tune is called? Or am I just making it up that it was already a tune before hearing it here?
EDIT – SOLVED! It’s called “Floh Walzer” (Flea Waltz): [https://youtu.be/0QjFfYutcAQ?si=6wa3cthDksJ-K04a](https://youtu.be/0QjFfYutcAQ?si=6wa3cthDksJ-K04a) thanks to the commenters below!
by noonayong
It’s a standard carnival-esque tune, I think.
I’ve definitely heard it before as well!
From his [Rolling Stone interview](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/jimin-interview-face-bts-1234702952/?_gl=1*yln8kv*_ga*YW1wLVZpWDRpMTRxeWo5VkRGdVRtbDhYUFF1U1Fhc1BINU5JYVAwWGIzbXJ4S3BKUWVtZzJId0ZTczhpbWJjVG1iSXc.*_ga_VB3XMC1V0Q*MTY5NDU2MDA1NC42LjAuMTY5NDU2MDE2MC4wLjAuMA..), ([extracted by Genius](https://genius.com/Genius-english-translations-jimin-face-off-english-translation-lyrics)) (bolded part is the most relevant to yr qn)
>It doesn’t actually have a specific meaning or significance. But when I worked on this song, **the producers and I started fooling around with different pianos and instruments.** When you listen to it, you realize this song is very intense, rebellious, and has a lot of anger. But starting it like that with the carnival sound would be a stark contrast to the rest of those vibes. So they said, ‘You know, if you start the song like this, it would be kind of paradoxical or ironic, and it could be pretty fun.’
Also, hv heard it described as a flea waltz, and I found [this](https://youtu.be/Lf-fpDQncKM?si=JiTOujncTBcGcT1p)
Is this the melody you are thinking of? This is definitely something I played as a kid too, sometimes in a duet. It’s called “Floh Walzer” (Flea Waltz): [https://youtu.be/0QjFfYutcAQ?si=6wa3cthDksJ-K04a](https://youtu.be/0QjFfYutcAQ?si=6wa3cthDksJ-K04a)
Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe the melody is from the beginning of “Flea Waltz”
It’s also used in a Japanese children song “Neko Funjatta”! It’s a song commonly used as a beginner level song for piano players.
You can hear Jimin play a snippet of the song on the keyboard in In the Soop (Season 1, Episode 1).