As I’ve been looking over the alphabet rankings, a part of me got really curious as to what a playlist of these songs would sound like. From there, I got curious as to what I would put on an album. So welcome to: create your own album. According to google, most albums are 7-29 tracks or 35-60 minutes. Feel free to include as much as you want about your album! Below is mine!

Title: Love Maze

1. Her
2. Love Maze
3. Tear
4. I’m Fine
5. Blue & Grey
6. Lights
7. Epiphany
8. Stay Gold
9. Your Eyes Tell
10. Let Go
11. Film Out

Main/Title Track: Love Maze
Pre-Release Single: Let Go
Description: Love’s a Maze. BTS returns with an 11-track electro-pop masterclass on the ups and downs of love. From the suave intro of meeting Her, to the gutting Tear of heartbreak when she’s gone, and the spinning emotions her departure and introduction of a new love in Your Eyes Tell, Love Maze is a story we’ve all seen before. Boy meets girl, girl leaves boy, boy falls apart, boy learns to love himself, boy meets new girl, boy lets go, and we film out as he readies to enter the maze for someone new.
Favorite Track: Film Out
Grade: 9/10
Album Cover: Not Sure, but love the photo I included!

by naomaaaaaa