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by AutoModerator
## Do you enjoy reading?
Join the monthly r/bangtan book club, Books with Luv!!
## Next Month’s Reader’s Choice is….
**‘I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki’ by Baek Sehee**
We’re meeting on October 18th!
[Click here to join the discussion!](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/comments/17a0rv9/231018_rbangtan_books_with_luv_october_book_club/)
## Are you reading Beyond the Story: 10 year record of BTS? Hop in the chapter discussions here!
| **DATE** (1am KST) | **CHAPTER** |
| July 27 | Chapter 1: [Seoul](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/comments/15a9t8o/rbangtan_books_with_luv_beyond_the_story_10_year/) |
| August 3 | Chapter 2: [Why We Exist](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/comments/15gcu66/rbangtan_book_club_books_with_luv_beyond_the/) |
| August 10 | Chapter 3: [Love, Hate, ARMY](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/comments/15mjb8f/rbangtan_books_with_luv_beyond_the_story_10_year/) |
| August 17 | Chapter 4: [Inside Out](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/comments/15t6o7i/rbangtan_book_club_books_with_luv_beyond_the/) |
| August 24 | Chapter 5: [A flight that never lands](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/comments/15z8621/rbangtan_book_club_books_with_luv_beyond_the/) |
| August 31 | Chapter 6: [The World of BTS](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/comments/165iv2b/rbangtan_book_club_books_with_luv_beyond_the/) |
| September 7 | Chapter 7: [We are](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/comments/16bo58u/rbangtan_book_club_books_with_luv_beyond_the/) |
#Memes and fluff? Visit /r/heungtan
For [흥탄소년단](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCCqT2hmPIg) or any fun content you have found and want to share, please head over to our meme, casual counterpart /r/heungtan.
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