We are continuing with the Run BTS! rewatch!

* If you are watching for the first time what was the funniest moment to you?
* If you are watching for the umpteenth time, did you catch something new you never noticed before – what was it?

Please, come on in and join the crazy randomness of the chaotic and utterly funny world of Run BTS! Find a comfy spot, get yourself a glass of your favorite drink, some snacks and spend time with our Tannies in the next thirty minutes 

## [Run BTS! 2018 – EP. 38 – BTS Weverse](https://weverse.io/bts/media/4-104694109)

**Synopsis:** It’s a SPIN BTS episode! There are five games: tug-of-war, guess the sound, invisible box challenge, find the word and BTS one body. Yoongi is wearing the Chimmy costume (punishment from a previous ep), Tae and Hobi are in coats and Namjoon and Yoongi have lived together for too long.

**Run Time:** 32 mins

OG discussion thread on the sub: [180123 Run BTS! 2018 EP. 38](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/comments/7u0j0i/180130_run_bts_2018_ep38/)

*Run BTS Rewatch on rbangtan: We are doing a rewatch of all the RUN episodes on the sub. Feel free to watch these at your own time and comment here! :)*

by Kokechii