Disclaimer not a hate post.
I used to be a fan but I left kpop so that kind of sums up.
BTS had always been this icon of peace and I wonder why none ever spoke bout what’s happening in Palestine albeit lightly ( I do know some other kpop idol that were vocal bout it)
And just can’t help but feel the irony of this.
At this point their act seems to be performative, only doing it when it gains you favor kind of thing.
P vs I is not even a religious issue, it’s humanity and one that’s very obvious and had been going for years.
Yes one might say why should we expect any celebs to be vocal bout it when they clearly have no obligation.. Well idk maybe because they used to spoke aloud even when it doesn’t concern them like the blm thingy etc…
Anyhow share this song guys.
by Potatoinlife
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