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by AutoModerator
I’m a little discombobulated today. Thought there was a whole other week to November – how is Friday December… I know time moves at a constant but this month has just disappeared, yesterday was Halloween. 🫤🫨😂
I’m slowly making my way through the PTD in US content. I just finished the dday behind the scenes for the LA shows and a thought crossed my mind. Remember how during the wings and love yourself tours (I think), we saw how exhausted they would get as they made it through the set lists, to the point of barely standing up and needing oxygen?
While in the PTD LA shows, they did mention that it was a tough setlist (with no solo stages, mind you), at least they were not near collapse. I think they figured out their stamina, giving more in certain parts while conserving energy in others. This make me really happy.