We are continuing with the Run BTS! rewatch!

* If you are watching for the first time what was the funniest moment to you?
* If you are watching for the umpteenth time, did you catch something new you never noticed before – what was it?

Please, come on in and join the crazy randomness of the chaotic and utterly funny world of Run BTS! Find a comfy spot, get yourself a glass of your favorite drink, some snacks and spend time with our Tannies in the next thirty minutes 

## [Run BTS! 2018 – EP. 43 – BTS Weverse](https://weverse.io/bts/media/2-105470570)

**Synopsis:** The Five Senses Test – Part 1! This ep starts with our dear SUGA visiting the Jeju Island because of a previous punishment. But the games themselves are the ones that are important – first one up is Touch! The only note we have is the same as the subtitles for Jin: If you know why he’s like this – let us know. Second one is Sound! Tae will find his soulmate anywhere even if Jimin is not his task. The third game is Smell and JK outwins everyone with his sense of smell.

**Run Time:** 33 mins

OG discussion thread on the sub: [180306 Run BTS! 2018 EP. 43](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/comments/82ej0i/180306_run_bts_2018_ep43/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

*Run BTS Rewatch on r/bangtan: We are doing a rewatch of all the RUN episodes on the sub. Feel free to watch these at your own time and comment here! :)*

by Kokechii