Okay, this may seem far-fetched but just hear me out. I was watching the PTD LA concert from Dec 2021 last night and noticed the opening VCR is black and white. I thought this was interesting considering we know the Monochrome project has a photo shoot from fall 2021 and there have been hints of this project being started in Sep 2021. I pointed this out to my sisters who I was watching the concert with and we all thought this was interesting but most likely just a coincidence.

Then we got to the DNA performance. I’ve linked a video to this performance because I need all of you to see this with your own eyes or you might not believe me.

For the entire performance of DNA, there are flashing on the screen BARCODES. AND! What I interesting (and possibly/most definitely tied to Monochrome) is the fact that when each member is singing, they each have their own color scheme for the barcodes and their birthday is also on screen. Again, another tie to Monochrome.

Also, to be noted, every time all seven of them were the focus of the performance, they flashed black and white barcodes.

I might be really out on a ledge with this but I don’t think so! Knowing BTS, there’s more to this whole pop-up, the new line of merch. One interesting fact that I didn’t realize until this morning is that they have only announced the pop-ups on Twitter, NOT Instagram. There’s nothing on their Instagram page about the pop-ups.

So, what do I think they’ve got planned?
I think it’s two things:
1. A live album compiled from all their PTD shows of the PTD set list. I’ve been saying this since I became a fan in 2022 – BTS’s live production is impeccable and sometimes better than the original (for example, Run BTS on Spotify vs Run BTS live at YTC Busan). The rendition of DNA in the video linked below with the horns, the transition from Dynamite to Butter, the orchestral interlude before Black Swan – all so good. I think this live album with revealed on the first day of the pop-up and available to purchase on site.
2. I think each member has a “gift bundle” (Tae’s words from their last group live) prepared for Army that exists under the monochrome theme umbrella, each with their own color scheme and vibe and contents. I think each of these gift bundles will be revealed in time, maybe on the members birthdays.

In summation, BTS has stuff planned. BTS doesn’t waste their fans’ time or energy and always make things worthwhile. BTS has only been promoting this to Twitter and WeVerse ARMY, essentially gatekeeping this project from the general public. I’m excited to see what tricks they have up their sleeve.

[PTD LA DNA performance](https://youtu.be/8Ue9_l4G8jg?si=hVPNCsNKSmbvuR_U)

by murph_n_turph