Hello, everyone! I am currently doing a collegiate academic project exploring the exogenous (external) factors of BTS' popularity to analyze their run towards paving the way for KPOP's global rise! With this, we are handling out a survey for ARMYS (new or old) to have an in depth understanding of BTS' popularity to be utilized in the paper.

The survey has 2 parts and would take about 5-10 minutes or less of your time. There are are basic information that you had to fill up: 1) name (optional) and; 2) your email, which is required for the purpose of avoiding spam / troll responses.

Rest assured that your response is anonymous, strictly confidential, and will only be utilized for the purpose of the study. I would appreciate any participation and in case you're considering, here is the link!

Please feel free to comment down your questions, clarifications or concerns and I'd happily answer them!

Thank you so much and I hope you all have a great day~

by mgthsrn